Rants About Canada

Well Canada strikes again. I have always beern working the Canada angle in this blog. No reason to change now. I have been looking for a family doctor in London, Ontario for the last three months. I have had little luck finding the doctor of my choice. The problem is the aging population of general practitioners in London. The new graduates tend to avoid the city like the plague because of the limited life style and even more limited opportunities.

So even if you find a GP, the odds are pretty good that he or she will retire on you.

So what you get from the doctors are two options: a walk-in clinic or the emergency department of the local hospital.

I was told about one doctor that was taking on new patients. When I did a search on her there were so many complaints! Small wonder that she has the capacity for new patients.

So there you go. The good news about Canada is that we have universal health insurance. Don’t kid yourself, it’s not free. The cost is buried in our taxes at all levels of government. And even if it were free, access can be very limited if you want to choose your doctor. In some cases, access is non-existent.

Like with most things in life, caveat emptor!
